Lotus Earth Lace

Carnelian, Tigers Eye & Rose Quartz Mala

$70.00 - Sold out
Image of Carnelian, Tigers Eye & Rose Quartz Mala

| Self-Love |

Carnelian helps to ground and anchor one into the present moment. It stabilizes while also stimulating motivation and creativity. Carnelian promotes courage, trust in the Self and making positive life choices. This stone clarifies perception and helps to remove extraneous thoughts in meditation. A calmer of anger and banisher of emotional negativity, it helps one find a love for life!

Tigers eye is a great protector of all evil. It helps one to stay grounded as it has earthly energy. This stone helps to enhance psychic abilities as well as bring balance to the lower chakras. Tigers eye is a great companion in accomplishing goals and finding clarity. It can help to heal issues with self-worth and blocked creativity.

Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love, compassion, and friendship. It encourages infinite peace and teaches us the true essence of love. This stone purifies the heart and open it up on all levels. Because of this, it brings deep inner healing and self-love. Rose quartz helps to draw off negative energy (gently) and replaces it with love. A stone that encourages healing on all levels.