Lotus Earth Lace

Malachite, Clear Quartz, & Pyrite Bracelet

$20.00 - On sale
Image of Malachite, Clear Quartz, & Pyrite Bracelet Image of Malachite, Clear Quartz, & Pyrite Bracelet Image of Malachite, Clear Quartz, & Pyrite Bracelet

Malachite is an earthy, grounding and protection stone. It absorbs negative energies so should be cleansed before and after use. (Do not use salt for cleansing as it can damage the surface.) This stone guards against radiation of all kinds. Malachite clears and activates the chakras and prepares for spiritual guidance. When placed on the heart, it brings balance, harmony and unconditional love. An adventurous stone by nature, it encourages risk-taking and change. It shows what is blocking our spiritual growth and draws out deep feelings, breaking unwanted ties and outworn patterns. This stone helps to enhance our intuition and stimulates dreams.

Clear quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier due to its unique helical spiral crystalline form. It absorbs, stores, releases, unblocks and regulates energy. Clear quartz cleanses and enhances our organs and subtle bodies, making it a deep cleanser for the soul. This stone stores information, kind of like a computer! It enhances psychic abilities and guides us towards our spiritual purpose.

Pyrite is a stone of positivity, good fortune and abundance. It enhances the strength of the mind and our willpower.

7.2cm (diameter)