Libra Set: Lapis, Sunstone & Flower Jade
Lapis is a protective stone that open the third eye and balances the throat chakra. It enhances psychic abilities, dream work as well as enlightenment. Lapis quickly helps to relieve stress, bringing deep peace. This stone harmonizes all layers of the Self which can bring deep inner self-knowledge. It also is a stone of truth, self expression and creativity.
Sunstone is joyful and inspires light! It helps to enhance intuition and brings good fortune. Sunstone will bring the sweetness back into your life. This stone encourages self-empowerment and vitality.
Flower Jade is a stone of abundance and promotes the positive flow of energy. It has the power to calm the mind and bring peace and serenity. This stones helps to foster self-love and compassion.
-Shortie necklace