Lotus Earth Lace

Capricorn Earrings with Smoky Quartz & Black Tourmaline

$25.00 - On sale
Image of Capricorn Earrings with Smoky Quartz & Black Tourmaline

Smoky Quartz, the grounding and anchoring stone. A protector that has a strong link to the earth and the base chakras. It helps to ease stress and supports during difficult times. Smoky quartz blocks geopathic stress and absorbs electromagnetic smog- a detoxifier on all levels. It is a teacher of leaving things behind that no longer serve our highest potential. This stone can alleviate nightmares and manifests dreams. A calming, happy stone that dissolves negative emotion.

Black Tourmaline is said to be one of the most potent crystals on Earth. It is an ultra protector as it shields against all types of negativity, as well as electromagnetic fields. Black tourmaline clears, purifies and unblocks stuck or stagnant energy. This stone promotes strength, courage and stability.

Made with sterling silver backs!