Lotus Earth Lace

Sagittarius Earrings with Smoky Quartz, Labradorite, & Amazonite

$25.00 - On sale
Image of Sagittarius Earrings with Smoky Quartz, Labradorite, & Amazonite

Smoky Quartz, the grounding and anchoring stone. A protector that has a strong link to the earth and the base chakras. It helps to ease stress and supports during difficult times. Smoky quartz blocks geopathic stress and absorbs electromagnetic smog- a detoxifier on all levels. It is a teacher of leaving things behind that no longer serve our highest potential. This stone can alleviate nightmares and manifests dreams. A calming, happy stone that dissolves negative emotion.

Labradorite, the bringer of light, is a powerful stone and potent healer. It protects the aura of the wearer and increases our ability to focus in on ourselves without letting the outside world distract us. Labradorite helps to overcome fears and encourages us to go after new ideas/opportunities AND to embrace them.

Amazonite is a soothing stone that helps to calm the brain and nervous system. It helps to bring balance to the masculine and feminine energies within. Amazonite helps one see both sides of the coin, making it easier to discover a solution. It has the power to soothe emotional trauma, dispelling all fears and worries. At its root, it manifests universal love.

Made with sterling silver backs!