Lotus Earth Lace

Gemini Earrings with Serpentine, Apatite, & Black Tourmaline

$25.00 - On sale
Image of Gemini Earrings with Serpentine, Apatite, & Black Tourmaline

Serpentine is wonderful tool for mediation and exploring spiritual realms. It enhances psychic abilities and opens new pathways for kundalini energy to rise. Serpentine brings balance and helps one to feel in control of their life.

Apatite is a stone of manifestation. It helps to develop psychic gifts and spirituality, as well as deepens meditation. Apatite expands truth, knowledge, communication and self-expression. This stone increases motivation and encourages openness is social situations. It draws off all negative energy about oneself and others.

Black Tourmaline is said to be one of the most potent crystals on Earth. It is an ultra protector as it shields against all types of negativity, as well as electromagnetic fields. Black tourmaline clears, purifies and unblocks stuck or stagnant energy. This stone promotes strength, courage and stability.

Made with sterling silver backs!